
Affiliates and Journals and Publications in 1939

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 By February 1939, four regional councils had been established. The Spring/Summer 1939 issue of Living described the activities of the first state and regional councils of NCFR.

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  2. The Midwest Region:  A. J. Todd was President. The states included were Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, and Iowa. Their first meeting was held in Chicago on March 31 and April 1; it was cosponsored by NCFR and the Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education.
  3. Southern Region: Harriet Daggett was President. The six state members included Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. The meeting was held at Louisiana State University on February 24–25, 1939.
  4. Washington State Conference on Family Relations: Norman Haynor was President. Other states included Oregon, northern Idaho, British Columbia, and Canada. This eventually became known as the Pacific Northwest Conference. The annual meeting was held in Seattle, Washington, on May 5–6, 1939.
  5. New York State Conference on Family Relations: Rabbi Sidney Goldstein was President. Members included New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Connecticut; Massachusetts; Vermont; Maine; New Hampshire; Maryland; Delaware; Rhode Island; and Washington, DC. Their meeting was held on April 28–29, 1939.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 Volume 1 of the journal Living contained four issues and was published by Banta Publishers, Menasha, WI. Circulation began to grow as more colleges and universities subscribed to this journal.

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Categories: Affiliate Councils, Journals and Publications