
NCFR—Public Policy Interests in 1946

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Almost from its inception, NCFR was interested in policy and its effects on families. For example, in 1946, the Committee on the Economic Basis of the Family (forerunner to today’s Family Policy Section) adopted the following resolution approved at the annual business meeting:

  1. 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0
  2. The NCFR urges that price control by the federal government be extended to June 30, 1947 by the enactment of Congress of HR5270—the bill which amends and emergency price control act of 1942—without crippling amendments. We urge that rent control be extended to June 30, 1948.
  3. We urge Congress to enact the minimum wage act and to do this, without the “rider” on agricultural parity which should be considered separately.
  4. We urge the prompt passage of the Patman Act providing measures for meeting the present housing shortage: and the passage of the Wagner–Ellender–Taft bill for a comprehensive long-range housing program.
  5. We endorse the principles embodied in the National Health bill for a plan for insurance for family medical costs.

Categories: Public Policy