
Affiliates in 1966–67

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 “Feedback,” a new newsletter for the NCFR affiliates, debuted in September 1967. The first editor was J. Obert Kempson, chair of the affiliates. The issue discussed clarification of roles and leadership for action.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 At the 1967 annual business meeting a motion was passed that “The Executive Committee [would] appoint a committee to define affiliated groups and to develop standards and guidelines for such groups; that the committee be instructed to prepare a structure which would lead to complete local affiliation, including the relationship of the local representatives of the agencies affiliated on a national level, and that such a structure be incorporated into the bylaws of the NCFR; that NCFR set up a speakers’ bureau, including names and suggested areas of expertise and send this information to regional, state, and local councils; that NCFR distribute a resume of the two meetings of the Affiliated Groups seminar to all regional, state and local councils.”

Categories: Affiliate Councils