
Affiliates and Journals and Publications in 1939

By February 1939, four regional councils had been established. The Spring/Summer 1939 issue of Living described the activities of the first state and regional councils of NCFR. The Midwest Region:  A. J. Todd was President. The states included were Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, and Iowa. Their first meeting was held in Chicago on March 31 and April 1; it was cosponsored by NCFR and the Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education. Southern Region: Harriet Daggett was President. The six state members included Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas. The meeting was held at Louisiana State University on February 24–25, […]

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Membership and Awards in 1939

In 1939, the fees for membership were still $2.00, which included a subscription to Living.  Membership continued to grow, to over 400. The Award of Merit at the Second Annual Conference was given to Chester Garfield Vernier with the following citation: “Law Teacher, Pioneer in the Statutory Law of Family Relations.” He has made available in workable form the vast field of state statutory law in family relations for the service of all.

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Structure and Governance in 1939

The Executive Committee appointed a special committee on “The Family and National Defense,” to report their findings at the 1940 (third) annual NCFR conference. The committee was composed of Willard Waller, Sidney E. Goldstein, and Lawrence K. Frank.  The objectives of this committee were as follows: The maintenance of existing standards of family life. This implies concern with the family as a social unit as well as with such economic bases of family life as family budgets and housing. The protection of child life from the exigencies of war. This means protection on all fronts: economic, social, educational, and psychological. The provision […]

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1939 Conference: The Role and Functions of the Family in a Democracy

The theme of this conference was “The Role and Functions of the Family in a Democracy.” Emily Hartshorn Mudd was the local arrangements chair. Ernest Groves, who had already started The Conference on Conservation of Marriage and the Family 5 years earlier at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, joined NCFR and would become its third President. Many other organizations helped to sponsor this conference, including The Marriage Council, the Pennsylvania School of Social Work, Temple University, The Family Society, the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospitals, the Jewish Welfare Society, and the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. General session speakers included Dr. […]

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