
Journals and Publications in 1954–55

The August 1955 issue of Marriage and Family Living was a special international issue focused on “Service to the Family.” It was published in several foreign countries, including Australia, Canada, Egypt, England, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Soviet Russia, Sweden, and the United States. Articles examined social services and family welfare in various countries, and there was also an article on the status of women throughout the world. Guest Editors were Eugene P. Link and Abraham Stone. Dale Womble published in the November 1955 issue of MFL, a Declaration of Rights issued by 165 high school students at […]

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Affiliates in 1954–55

Lester Kirkendall, President of the Northwest Region Council, sponsored the annual conference in Oregon, which 600 attended. The theme of the conference was: “The New and Current in Family Life.” The Rocky Mountain Council met and proposed a bill sent to the state legislature to establish “A Family Court of Conciliation.” The bill made it to a vote but was narrowly defeated. The Northern California Council  held its conference, with the theme of “Teenage Marriages,” which over 300 attended. The Utah, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Iowa Councils all held annual conferences that year. The Southeast Council, which now had 300 members, began its […]

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Structure and Governance in 1954–55

Perhaps the most important long-term investment of NCFR during 1955 was the move of the national headquarters from Chicago to Minneapolis in the Fall. From Drexell Avenue, NCFR took up residence at 1219 University Ave. SE Minneapolis in the second floor of the University Baptist Church. It remained there for the next 27 years and has remained in Minneapolis up to the present time. Several reasons for the move were considered. First and foremost were the low rent, utility-free space, and the close proximity to the university, which was across the street.  Dorothy Dyer was the chair of the Operating Committee while NCFR staffers settled […]

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Leadership in 1954–55

NCFR President Gladys H. Groves headed the Groves Conference following the death of her husband, Ernest R. Groves, was Editor of Marriage and Family Living. Later, she became a family life specialist with the Extension service in Maine. She was also a published book author. Her Presidential Address included the following comments: Many specialists furnish information that is useful to the marriage educator and marriage counselor. Law, economics and biology suggest the breadth of background needed, but do not cover the field. Psychiatric insights are essential, anthropological orientation is an advantage, other approaches are desirable. Research in three directions is needed: […]

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Journals and Publications in 1953–54

Meyer F. Nimkoff was elected Editor of Marriage and Family Living and took office on January 1, 1954. However, he completed the last 1953 issue as Gladys Groves retired. Here is an excerpt she wrote in welcome in the November 1953 issue: “The Journal is fortunate indeed to have secured the gracious acceptance of Dr. Meyer F. Nimkoff of the next term of editorship. All who have worked long in the field of marriage and the family know his high scholarship, clear thinking and originality, and value his human sympathies and integrity. Even newcomers in the study of marriage and the family […]

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Membership in 1953–54

While Eleanor Smith Litwak was Executive Secretary, she conducted an analysis of the 1954 membership, which included a total of 2,535 members. She found a very diverse group. The highest professional representation was by home economists, social service agencies, Protestant ministers, and professionals in the fields of education and sociology. The next highest group comprised professionals from the fields of marriage and family living, child development postsecondary education, medicine/psychiatry, parent and adult education agencies, and governmental agencies. Litwak stated that the areas of law, recreation, and housing, which she considered important for family life, were underrepresented. Students made up only 3.4% of the members.

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Structure and Governance in 1953–54

A new constitution changed the Board’s structure and redefined the advisory committees. Helen Hiltner resigned as Executive Secretary, leaving NCFR without any staff leadership for several months. Eleanor Smith Litwak was hired on a part-time basis in January 1954. By October of that year, Armond Willis was hired full time but was relieved of his duties less than a year later.

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1954 Conference: Marriage and Family Living Today

The 1954 Annual Conference was held July 7–10 at Mills College in Oakland, CA. The theme was “Marriage and Family Living Today.” Judson T. Landis was program chair. On-campus room and board cost $6.50/day for adults and $3.25/day for children under 12.

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Leadership in 1953-54

The following is an excerpt from Dorothy T. Dyer‘s Presidential Address: There is no single approach, no one answer to the complexity of problems in our lives today. To think so, or to act on such an assumption is to distort the real picture. The very interprofessional nature of the NCFR offers the opportunity for cooperative creative work. It is my hope that we may grasp this opportunity more firmly, communicate more clearly, and combine our efforts more effectively so that the tremendous power and potential as yet untried may be used increasingly for helping families all over the world […]

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