
Membership and Journals and Publications in 1960–61

A membership directory was published in the February 1961 issue of Marriage and Family Living. Read the March 1961 NCFR Newsletter Read the May 1961 NCFR Newsletter Read the October 1961 NCFR Newsletter Marriage and Family Living published two special issues that year—”Family Research Around the World” and “Women and Work”—under Editor Ivan Nye. In February 1961, Lester A. Kirkendall became the editor of the Teacher Exchange section of the journal. William Smith became a contributing editor. In May, an article by Joel Moss and Ruby Gingles on teenage marriage was published. Marvin B. Sussman called the Teacher Exchange section “a magnificent service […]

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Structure and Governance in 1960–61

During 1960–1961, a major reorganization of NCFR’s sections, with Blaine R. Porter as chair of the committee in charge of this, was begun. It was the last year that the conference was organized around the nine sections of (1) Counseling, (2) Research, (3) Religion, (4) Early Child Development, (5) Family Life Education in Colleges, (6) Family Life Education in the Schools, (7) Family Life Education in the Community, (8) Parent Education, and (9) Economic Aspects of Family Security. From this point on, there would only be four sections: (1) Counseling, (2) Research, (3) Education, and (4) Special Emphases.

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Leadership in 1960–61

The 18th President of NCFR was Harold T. Christensen, a Fulbright Scholar who was a professor at Purdue University and whose specialty research was on cross-cultural families. His work was known and respected worldwide. The following is an excerpt from Christensen‘s Presidential Address: “Love, sex, marriage, and parenthood are subjects of intrinsic interest to nearly everyone. Perhaps this is so because they represent experiences common to all mankind, and also because the motives which impel them and the consequences which spring from them are rather deep-seated in human personality and far-reaching in terms of human satisfactions. Family phenomena constitute important […]

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Awards and Journals and Publications in 1959–60

Urie Bronfenbrenner and Edward C. Devereaux received the 1960 Ernest Burgess Award. Ivan Nye was the editor of Marriage and Family Living. His first issue was February 1960, and he continued through November 1963. The Teacher Exchange added a section on “Research Finds,” prepared by Evelyn Millis Duvall. Practical information was included on such topics as student marriages, what kinds of husbands and wives teenagers expect to be, what kinds of parents they will be, and homemaking tasks.

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Membership in 1959–60

The total membership was tallied at 2,800. In addition, 1,055 libraries carried subscriptions to Marriage and Family Living. The leading states were New York, with 322 members; California, with 207; Illinois, with 144; Ohio, with 142; Michigan, with 125; and Indiana, with 95. Canada had 36 members, and all foreign countries combined had 44. There were 642 college teachers among the members, as well as 206 clergy members, 152 high school teachers, 113 physicians, and 109 marriage counselors. Other professions included social workers, psychologists, administrators, lawyers, nurses, extension and adult educators, researchers, and journalists. Read the March 1960 NCFR Newsletter Read the May […]

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Structure and Governance in 1959–60

The 1960 Executive Committee consisted of the following: President: Harold T. Christensen President-Elect: David R. Mace Past President: Aaron L. Rutledge Secretary: Esther Middlewood Treasurer: Frederick E. Berger Editor, Marriage and Family Living: Ivan Nye Membership Chair: Gerald R. Leslie Members-at-Large: Donald Brieland, Msgr. Irving A. DeBlanc, Wallace Fulton, and Eleanore B. Luckey The NCFR annual budget was reported to be $30,000. In addition to supporting its own publications and programs during the 1960s, NCFR paid dues or made financial contributions to the International Union of Family Organizations (IUFO), U.S. Committee; IUFO Scientific Commission at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Family Life Education […]

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1960 International Conference on the Family: Personal Maturity and Family Security

In lieu of the regular Annual Conference, NCFR cosponsored, with the International Union of Family Organizations (IUFO, based in Paris, France), the 1960 International Conference on the Family. It was held at Teachers College, Columbia University, August 23–26, 1960. The theme was “Personal Maturity and Family Security.” Over 800 attended, including approximately 200 delegates from 31 countries. Many of the NCFR committees had special assignments, for example, pre-conference translations of papers into French, German, Spanish, and English (simultaneous translation was not yet available), post-conferences for foreign delegates, and efforts to raise money for the conference. As a matter of policy, the conference steered clear of […]

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Leadership in 1959–60

The 17th President was Aaron Rutledge. He had served as the director of the Division of Behavioral Sciences in the Department of Family Medicine at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. He was also director of the Grosse Pointe Psychological Center. For many years he was head of the Counseling & Psychotherapy Program at the Merrill–Palmer Institute. He also served as President of the American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. The following is an excerpt from Rutledge‘s Presidential Address: Whether or not they know it, all counselors are dealing with unconscious material. For too long the admonition has been that […]

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