
Structure and Governance in 1964–65

The International Union of Family Organization’s Scientific Commission, headed by Pierre de Bie of Belgium, was founded this year, with NCFR giving it major financial support. Vladimir de Lissavoy was chair of the NCFR committee to explore new areas in which family life education could express itself, such as in prisons and unwed mother’s homes. The committee encouraged regional groups to promote such efforts. A Constitution Revision Committee was headed by James Walters. A Family Life Liaison Committee was formed, uniting the NCFR, the American Association of Marriage Counselors, and the Groves Conference with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists […]

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Other Activities in 1963–64

A new national organization was formed in May 1964: the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, a volunteer health agency that seeks to expand and upgrade sex education for all age groups. It was incorporated by Mary Caldarone, Wallace Fulton, William H. Genne, Lester A. Kirkendall, David Mace, and Clark Vincent—all members of NCFR. In the February 1964 issue of the Journal of Marriage and the Family, Jessie Bernard published an article titled “Developmental Tasks of the NCFR—1963–1988.”  In it, she discussed what NCFR is and is not, as determinants of what it can and/or should be. Her conclusions follow: NCFR in not […]

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Journals and Publications in 1963–64

Several changes took place under the editorship of Marvin Sussman. He changed the name of Marriage and Family Living to The Journal of Marriage and the Family. A new cover design was used. The revised journal included an enlarged book review section; the regular publication of letters to the editor and rejoinders; article-length book review of a series of books on the same topic; an abstract at the beginning of each article; and publication, regardless of length, of critical and evaluative papers on particular marriage and family issues. New associate editors were added. William Kenkel became the editor of  the “Articles in […]

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Awards in 1963–64

In 1964 an award was established in memory of Ernest G. Osborne, a leader and past President who died suddenly in 1963. The award is given for excellence in the teaching of family relations, because it was for this that “Lank” Osborne gave so unstintingly of both his personal and professional time. The award honors teaching at any academic level. Four hundred fifty-seven persons and organizations contributed a total of $10,958.66 to make an ongoing award possible. The first award was given in 1966.

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Leadership in 1964–65

The 22nd President of NCFR was Clark E. Vincent, who served in 1964–65. He was a professor at Bowman Gray School of Medicine. During his presidency, Vincent focused on two major and closely related objectives: (a) to emphasize, reward, and give visibility to excellence in the teaching of family life education and (b) to develop, strengthen, and expand training centers for family life educators. He firmly believed that NCFR must establish in each state the principle of and procedures for certification of family life educators. An excerpt from Vincent‘s Presidential Address follows: Can a society undergo industrialization and/or remain highly industrialized without […]

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Journals and Publications in 1964–65

Marvin Sussman continued as Editor of the Journal of Marriage and Family and announced that the Russell Sage Foundation had awarded NCFR a grant for the preparation of a series of papers on government programs and social policies affecting families. A special issue on “American Poverty in the Mid-Sixties” was co-edited by Catherine Chilman and Sussman and was published in the November 1964 issue. Another special issue, on “Adolescents in the Mid-Sixties,” was dedicated to Ernest G. Osborne and co-edited by Clark E. Vincent and Sussman. It was published in May 1965. Regular publication of reports on the professional meetings of organizations […]

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Membership in 1963–64

William F. Kenkel was the chair of the membership committee, and Wallace C. Fulton was chair of a committee to review the constitution and bylaws. Read the March 1964 NCFR Newsletter Read the May 1964 NCFR Newsletter Read the November 1964 NCFR Newsletter

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Structure and Governance in 1963–64

Catherine S. Chilman and Lee Burchinal became co-chairs of a committee to find financial support for family research. This committee functioned through 1966, and a government publication grew out of its efforts. Ivan Nye was appointed chair of a committee concerned with mass media relationships. During the next few years, this committee prepared selected annotated bibliographies on subjects of popular interest and lists of qualified speakers. These materials were made available to the mass-circulation magazines. Committee members were Eleanore B. Luckey, Lee Burchinal, and William F. Kenkel. The Committee on Standards and Certification for Family Life Educators was established, with Elizabeth […]

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Membership and Awards in 1964–65

A second directory of NCFR members was published in 1965. Read the March 1965 NCFR Newsletter Read the May 1965 NCFR Newsletter Read the September 1965 NCFR Newsletter Read the December 1965 NCFR Newsletter Vladimir de Lissovoy chaired the Osborne Award Committee, and Reuben Hill chaired the Burgess Award Committee. The 1965 Burgess Award winner was Clifford Kirkpatrick of Indiana University.

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1964 Conference: The 1960s—Decade of the Teenager

The 1964 Annual Conference held at the Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach, FL, October 8–11. President Elect Clark E. Vincent was program chair. The theme of the conference was “The 1960s – Decade of the Teenager.” More than 400 people attended. The hotel conference rate was $11.50 for a double room daily. An employment service was offered in cooperation with the U.S. Employment Service.

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