
Leadership in 1992–93

Board members this year were as follows: President-Elect: Harriette McAdoo Past President: Brent Miller Treasurer: Joe Pittman Public Policy Vice President: Barbara Settles Membership Vice President: Bill Meredith Sections and their chairs were the following: Barbara Elliott, FH; David Wright, FT; Kathleen Gilbert, FD; Edith Lewis, EM; Helena Lopata, IN; Connie Shehan, FFS; Carol Darling, EE; Linda Airsman, SNP; Karen Blaisure, SNP Representative-Elect; Catherine Surra, RT; Elaine Anderson, FP; Bron Ingoldsby, RFL; Carol Matusicky, AC President-Elect; Connie Steele, AC President; Steve Jorgensen, Publications Vice President; Greer Litton Fox, Annual Conference Program Vice President-Elect; Bill Doherty, Annual Conference Vice President; Catherine Chilman, […]

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