
Journals and Publications in 1995–96

A task force on the Future of the Journals was co-chaired by Alan Booth and Timothy Brubaker. Recommendations given to the Board were as follows: A moratorium was declared on any new publications. Margaret Crosbie-Burnett chaired the committee to look at the cost effectiveness of continuing the Vision 2010 Series and Families in Focus Series. A specific procedure was defined for all focus groups and sections to follow regarding writing, publishing and selling publications. Karen Wampler chaired a committee to develop “Ethical Guidelines for the Publications Committee.” Joe Pittman drafted recommendations for policies for future journal editor search committees.  In 1996, […]

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Awards in 1995–96

Elizabeth Thompson of the University of Wisconsin—Madison was given the Student Award. The Jesse Bernard Research Proposal Award was given to Kimberly Updegraff and Heather Helms-Erikson, of Pennsylvania State University, and to Beth Skilken-Catlet, of Ohio State University. Alice S. Rossi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Massachusetts, was the recipient of the Burgess Award. The Reuben Hill Award was given to Benjamin R. Karney and Thomas N. Bradbury, of the University of California, Los Angeles. The Distinguished Service to Families Award went to Margaret Feldman, of Ithaca College and Washington, DC.

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CFLE in 1995–96

In October 1996 the University of Wyoming became the first school to apply and be approved for program approval. Messiah College and Kansas State University followed and were approved as well, and all three were recognized at the 1996 NCFR Annual Conference. The CFLE Standards Revision Task Force was formed and met to clarify the standards and criteria needed for certification. Their task was to develop more definitive review criteria and identify measurable minimum standards. NCFR counted 200 new members brought into the organization by the CFLE program since 1994, providing a steady source of revenue to NCFR and strengthening the sections, especially […]

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Membership in 1995–96

The membership base comprised 3,978 individuals, up from the previous year and close to the goal of 4,000. Many of the new members were those obtained through the CFLE certification program. Of the 654 CFLEs, 609 were NCFR members, the majority at the Colleague level. Read the March 1996 Newsletter V41 N1 Read the June 1996 Newsletter V41 N2 Read the September 1996 Newsletter V41 N3 Read the December 1996 Newsletter V41 N4

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Structure and Governance in 1995–96

On April 26–27, 1996, the Board of Directors and entire NCFR staff met at the St. Paul Airport Hilton Hotel to begin a major strategic planning process: “Families and the Millennium: Building a New Association Paradigm.” Consultant for this process was Robert Burke, PhD, of St. Paul, MN. Several task forces were charged to work on an action plan for NCFR. These included a Visibility Task Force, chaired by Barbara Holder; a Membership Task Force, chaired by Karen Meyers-Bowman; and a Proactive Planning Task Force, chaired by Scott Allgood. In November, NCFR investments averaged 15.2% return (net of all fees).

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1996 Conference: Families in Political Context

The 1996 Annual Conference was chaired by Program Vice President Shirley Zimmerman. It was held November 7–10 at the Kansas City Hyatt-Regency Crown Center. The theme was “Families in Political Context.” Keynote speakers included Naomi Tutu (daughter of the Rev. Desmond Tutu), Theda Skocpol, and Seymour Martin Lipset. Attendance was 1,250—a great showing. In addition to the International Family Policy Forum, the Hyatt-Regency coordinated a Habitat for Humanity project in which NCFR members participated in building a home in Kansas City. A follow-up to the International Year of the Family was a new organization, based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, which comprised […]

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Leadership in 1995–96

NCFR President Michael J. Sporakowski was a professor in the Department of Family and Child Development and Extension Specialist in Family and Consumer Sciences at Virginia Tech. He was a prolific author of articles, extension curricula, and several edited books. A long-time member of NCFR,  Sporakowski also served as Editor of Family Relations. He held several positions on the Board and supported certification for family life educators. He served NCFR at the state and regional levels as President of the Virginia Council on Family Relations (1972–76) and the Southeastern Council on Family Relations (1979–81). He was also an avid golfer. The […]

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