Posts Tagged ‘Degree programs guide’
Publications in 2010–2011
A completely redesigned NCFR website was launched in February 2011. The web content management capabilities of the new platform allowed the site to move beyond its role as a portal for information about the organization and toward being a destination for resources and tools. Concurrent with the launch of the new NCFR website, Graduate and Undergraduate Study in Marriage and Family: A Guide to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Programs in the United States and Canada (Jason Hans, Editor), was converted into an online degree programs guide.
Publications in 2007–08
An updated edition of Graduate and Undergraduate Study in Marriage and Family (2008–2010): A Guide to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Programs in the United States and Canada. edited by Jason Hans, was published.
Journals and Publications in 2004–05
The Journal of Marriage and Family Editor was Alexis Walker, and the Family Relations Editor was Joyce Arditti. They sponsored a workshop at the Annual Conference on how to write good articles for the journals and other publications. Discussions with Blackwell Publishing ensued regarding the transformation of journal publishing by the electronic availability of content and increased usage thus affecting hard-copy sales. Blackwell did report that, because of bundling the Journal of Marriage and Family and Family Relations, they would exceed the expected income. Three new policy briefs were published and distributed: (1)“Social Security Reform,” (2) “Family Preparedness,” and (3) “Work/Life Balance.” […]
Journals and Publications in 2001–02
Alexis Walker, Journal of Marriage and Family Editor, reported an increase in unsolicited manuscripts of 7.6% (287 manuscripts). In addition, seven papers were commissioned. Acceptance rates were close to 8%. The journal continued to be ranked #1 by total citations and #2 by impact in Journal Citation Reports. Kay Pasley, Editor of Family Relations, reported a 10.3% acceptance rate. The journal’s ranking by the Citation Reports was sixth in total citations, 18th by impact factor, and fourth among social work journals. NCFR members rated the Journal of Marriage and Family superior for technical quality, theoretical basis, clarity, relevance, and sound methodology. The Decade in Review 2000 was also […]
Journals and Publications in 1998–99
A contract was signed with Allen Press of Lawrence, KS, for 3 years for editorial management in which NCFR was guaranteed 85% net surplus and Allen would take 15% with a guarantee of a minimum of $200,000. This move allowed NCFR to decrease staff by 3.5 full-time employees and save the organization money. Robert Milardo was completing his term as Editor of the Journal of Marriage and the Family. Kay Pasley was Editor of Family Relations. In 1999, an updated edition of Graduate Study in Marriage and Family: A Guide to Master’s and Doctoral Programs in the United States and Canada, edited by John […]
Journals and Publications in 1995–96
A task force on the Future of the Journals was co-chaired by Alan Booth and Timothy Brubaker. Recommendations given to the Board were as follows: A moratorium was declared on any new publications. Margaret Crosbie-Burnett chaired the committee to look at the cost effectiveness of continuing the Vision 2010 Series and Families in Focus Series. A specific procedure was defined for all focus groups and sections to follow regarding writing, publishing and selling publications. Karen Wampler chaired a committee to develop “Ethical Guidelines for the Publications Committee.” Joe Pittman drafted recommendations for policies for future journal editor search committees. In 1996, […]
Journals and Publications in 1988–89
Mike Sporakowski chaired the Publications Committee, which was finalizing its search for a new Editor of Journal of Marriage and the Family. Dr. Marilyn Coleman was selected and accepted the role of Editor for a term of 4 years, beginning in January 1991. Dr. Coleman is a professor of family studies at the University of Missouri—Columbia. Alan Booth was applauded for his service as an extended term as Editor. During the year, Sporakowski, the Editors, and Executive Director met several times to draft a policy statement and define editorial roles for the publications of NCFR. It was presented to the Board. […]
Affiliates in 1986–87
The Association of Councils devoted an issue of their newsletter, Feedback, to fundraising for nonprofit organizations. They also instigated a new venture, the “Adopt a Neighbor Program,” which encouraged stronger state councils to adopt less strong councils for their annual meetings. Membership activities were states as a priority within the states. The President’s Fund,” created originally by former President Eleanor Luckey, was abolished, and the money in the fund ($2,860) was allocated to the Association of Councils for its discretionary use. The Texas Council on Family Relations and NCFR collaborated in reviving the Guide to Graduate Family Programs and marketed […]
Membership and Journals and Publications in 1981–82
Jetse Sprey, Professor of Sociology at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH, became the new Editor of the Journal of Marriage and the Family. Michael Sporakowski, a professor in the Department of Family and Child Development at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, became the new editor of Family Relations. A special issue of the Journal of Marriage and the Family was published, titled: “Methodology—the Other Side of Caring.” The Journal of Family History also published a special issue devoted to “The Family in Eastern Europe.” Carolyn Love prepared a new Guide to Family Programs, which contained information about 71 U.S. and Canadian degree-granting institutions. The NCFR newsletter carried the results […]
Journals and Publications in 1975–76
NCFR members were sent the first issues of the Journal of Family History, edited by Tamara Hareven, free of cost. Felix Berardo began his term as Editor of the Journal of Marriage and the Family. A landmark study by Graham Spanier, titled Measuring Dyadic Adjustment: New Scales for Assessing the Quality of Marriage and Similar Dyads, was published in the February 1976 issue of the journal. The article included an instrument called the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. This research has since been used in thousands of research studies and by marriage and family therapists and has been translated into languages throughout the world. James Walters […]
Recent Comments in this Document
June 7, 2016 at 3:19 pm
Sure, no problem
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June 7, 2016 at 2:45 pm
I wondered if I could use this for a project in my Chicano Studies class at ASU. The project will be put up in an exhibit display and possibly travel around to schools. Please let me know.
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November 12, 2013 at 10:20 am
Also worth a mention: John Gottman gave a Research Update for Practitioners on his marital research, which was well attended.
By the way, the name is “Celine Le Bourdais.”
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August 21, 2013 at 11:47 am
Enjoyed the story. And, what a lucky break for me that you did make this decision. Hope all is well.
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August 15, 2013 at 9:19 am
The 1980 Portland Conference was 12 days after Mt. St. Helen had erupted. There was lots of ash around all over, and I still have a bottle of that ash. That was the year we had an afternoon trip to near Mt. St. Helen’s planned, and still took the trip. On the way up the bus stopped at Crown Point which was typically one of the windiest spots around. The wind was so strong that it blew the name badges out of the plastic holders. It also blew Ruth Jewson, Helen Hartness, and me on top of each other (which was scary for us with Ruth, but she wasn’t hurt). The bus also stopped at Multnomah Falls which was stunning. That evening I played for Bert Adams to sing songs from some musicals. He did a magnificent job.
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August 13, 2013 at 1:24 pm
One of my first NCFR conferences was in Portland and I was still a doctoral student then, and a member of the Executive Committee of NCFR as the student rep. It was at that meeting that I was really thinking about my career and where I should go with it. I was a student in family sociology and my chair was Lee Axelson, then the President of NCFR. He wanted me to take a sociology position. But others suggested that my interests would be better served in Child and Family Development (then in Home Ec) where relationship issues would be easier to study. I did not know which way to go.
At that meeting we took a bus trip to the coast of Oregon for a “salmon bake” on the beach. I sat on the bus between Eleanor Luckey and Ruth Jewson. All the way over and back we talked about career directions and those two people who I respected so much listened to me, and gave me their counsel, experience, and wisdom. Eleanor noted that she had been trained in psychology but chose to go into child and family development since there were more peers there who could help her frame her ideas and help them mature. Ruth saw the emerging scholarship in CFD and the quality of research coming out. The result of that was my turning down sociology jobs and taking the CFD position at UNC-Greensboro, where John Scanzoni and others later joined me a a great department. And my first students there were Jay Mancini and Gary Bowen, who have become successful scholars in their own right.
So the memories of that NCFR in Portland so many years ago remind me of how important it is to continue to foster opportunities for young student scholars to meet with senior people who can give them other ideas, and perhaps bring perspectives that their own programs may not be able to offer. Keep mixing us all up, and recognize the key role you play in the stirring of the creative pots in this vital area of family research and practice.
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July 12, 2013 at 3:49 pm
These changes have been incorporated. Thanks for your feedback.
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July 11, 2013 at 8:52 am
1. Please add that he was a professor for nearly 30 years
2. Also change “:marriage and family therapist” to “marriage and family researcher and therapist”
3. Prepare and Enrich should be all CAPS—PREPARE ENRICH
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July 8, 2013 at 4:16 pm
That terminology has been corrected. Thanks Marilyn.
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July 8, 2013 at 4:13 pm
In 1988-89, I was Association of Councils president-elect. In 1989-90, I was president. There was no vice president. Other officers were program chair, secretary/treasurer, and past president. Both the president elect and the president served on the NCFR Board.
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