
Journals and Publications in 1938

Paul Sayre

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The first journal of NCFR was called Living. It was a quarterly journal to be published in September, November, February, and May. Edited by Paul Sayre and based at the University of Iowa Law Building, Living was the forerunner of the Journal of Marriage and the Family (now Journal of Marriage and Family), which has become the premier research journal of the family field. Despite the momentous tasks of organizing this association and coordinating a national meeting, four issues of Living were published in 1939. The first issue was circulated in January 1939. It included the following articles, written by a variety of professionals:

  1. 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0
  2. “Predictive Factors in the Success or Failure of Marriage,”  by Ernest Burgess
  3. “Marriage Laws,” by Albert C. Jacobs
  4. “A Plan for Successful Marriage,” by Pauline Park Wilson
  5. “Preparation for Marriage in the High School Program,” by Lawrence K. Frank
  6. “The Need for a White House Conference on the Family,” by Sidney E. Goldstein
  7. “The Happy Family With Sufficient Children to Survive, ” by Ellsworth Huntington


Categories: Journals and Publications