
Structure and Governance in 1963–64

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Catherine S. Chilman and Lee Burchinal became co-chairs of a committee to find financial support for family research. This committee functioned through 1966, and a government publication grew out of its efforts. Ivan Nye was appointed chair of a committee concerned with mass media relationships. During the next few years, this committee prepared selected annotated bibliographies on subjects of popular interest and lists of qualified speakers. These materials were made available to the mass-circulation magazines. Committee members were Eleanore B. Luckey, Lee Burchinal, and William F. Kenkel.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The Committee on Standards and Certification for Family Life Educators was established, with Elizabeth S. Force as chair. By 1965, state certification requirements had been surveyed, and the committee had begun to determine what competencies and preparation were needed for effective teaching by family life educators.


Categories: CFLE, Structure and Governance
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