
1944 Conference: Problems Facing the Family in the Post War Period

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The fourth Annual Conference was held June 18–20 at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. The theme was “Problems Facing the Family in the Post War Period.” It was intended to be a “working” conference rather than one comprising paper presentations. By this time, seven study committees had been formed, and each of them conducted “roundtables” at the conference. The overarching concern permeating discussions appeared to be the professional education of marriage and family counselors. This focus arose from the issues of the military returning from a bloody war and the fact that the family disciplines were fairly new.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The standing committees reflected many of these concerns:

  1. 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0
  2. Economy: The Basis of the Family
  3. Education for Marriage and Family Living at High School, College, and Community Levels
  4. Marriage and Family Law
  5. Marriage and Family Research
  6. Religion and the Family
  7. The Nature of Marriage Counseling
  8. The Role of the Courts in Domestic Relations

4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 Several of these evolved into what are now known as the subject area sections of NCFR.

Categories: Annual Conference