
Structure and Governance in 1979–80

Harriette McAdoo

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The NCFR Board granted Section status to the Ethnic Minorities Section. Harriette McAdoo was the first full-fledged chair of the Section, which held its first session at the 1980 Annual Conference. An Ethnic Minorities Award was established, and the Ethnic Minority Oral History project was inaugurated and presented by Leanor Johnson.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Seven focus groups came into existence: (1) The Law and the Family, (2) Middle Age and Middlescence, (3) Adoption, (4) Aging, (5) Single-Parent Families, (6) Marriage Enrichment, and (7) Family and Health. The latter was formed for persons interested in education, research, and policy aspects of family and health issues.


Categories: Sections, Structure and Governance
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