
Structure and Governance in 1995–96

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 On April 26–27, 1996, the Board of Directors and entire NCFR staff met at the St. Paul Airport Hilton Hotel to begin a major strategic planning process: “Families and the Millennium: Building a New Association Paradigm.” Consultant for this process was Robert Burke, PhD, of St. Paul, MN.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Several task forces were charged to work on an action plan for NCFR. These included a Visibility Task Force, chaired by Barbara Holder; a Membership Task Force, chaired by Karen Meyers-Bowman; and a Proactive Planning Task Force, chaired by Scott Allgood.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 In November, NCFR investments averaged 15.2% return (net of all fees).


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