Structure and Governance in 1939
¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The Executive Committee appointed a special committee on “The Family and National Defense,” to report their findings at the 1940 (third) annual NCFR conference. The committee was composed of Willard Waller, Sidney E. Goldstein, and Lawrence K. Frank. The objectives of this committee were as follows:
- ¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0
- The maintenance of existing standards of family life. This implies concern with the family as a social unit as well as with such economic bases of family life as family budgets and housing.
- The protection of child life from the exigencies of war. This means protection on all fronts: economic, social, educational, and psychological.
- The provision of special family surrogates for young, temporary residents of cities. These would be primarily soldiers and war workers.
- The conservation of schools and the protection of school budgets and school programs.
- The conservation of social agencies primarily concerned with the family, such as family welfare societies, health agencies and the like.
- The suppression of prostitution and the prevention of the spread of venereal disease.
- The inculcation of members of the armed forces with attitudes compatible with healthy family life.
¶ 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 As the means to these ends, the following actions were proposed:
- ¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0
- The specific endorsement of the program of the American Social Hygiene Association as at present constituted and the extension of this program especially in its educational aspects. The work of this agency in combating prostitution and venereal disease deserves this recognition and would probably be strengthened by our endorsement.
- An attempt to stimulate other agencies into activities for the protection of the family. This implies some educational work on the part of this organization and its members. The possible roles of some of these agencies in the program are as indicated.
¶ 5 Leave a comment on paragraph 5 0 [Suggested types of established institutions to aid in such a program are: the church, the school, the college, the community center, the family welfare society, the health agency. Specific organizations such as YMCA and YWCA are examples]
- ¶ 6 Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0
- The organization of community councils in every sizable American city for the express purpose of dealing with the family problems arising from the war crisis.
- The organization of extensive programs of community recreation, with special attention to training camp cities and to meeting the needs of young, transient members of communities.
- The continuation without impairment of all programs of education for family living and for the improvement of family relations.
- Cooperation with established governmental and private agencies which can be induced to take an interest in the program.
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