
1955 Conference: The Family Tomorrow

Dorothy Dyer

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 The 1955 Annual Conference was held at the University of Minnesota, August 24–27. Dorothy Dyer was program chair. The theme was “The Family Tomorrow.” The focus was on international aspects of family life. Eugenia Anderson, former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, gave the keynote address on “Foreign Affairs and the Family.” Other general sessions had as their topics “Highlights of Family Life in other Countries,” “Family Counseling,” “Family Protective Services Around the World,” “Health and the Family,” “Teaching Marriage Education Courses in Another Culture—Puerto Rico,” “Sacred Things in a Secular Society,” and “The Effects of Socio-Economic and Political Developments on the African Family System on the Gold Coast.” Dormitory room and board was $6.50/day.

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Categories: Annual Conference