
Journals and Publications in 1997–98

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 A special task force was led by Timothy Brubaker for the purpose of studying the NCFR report to determine whether it should be outsourced and to discuss new and better content to serve practitioners. The report had been given a new mission statement: “To provide timely, useful information to help members succeed in their roles as researchers, educators, and practitioners. Articles to address family field issues, programs, trends including association news.” It was outsourced to a professional editor, Dr. Nancy Gigiere.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Robert Milardo, Editor of the Journal of Marriage and the Family (JMF), reported submission of 276 manuscripts with an 11.9% acceptance rate. He described the training that reviewers go through. Volume 59 (1997) published a total of 73 articles averaging 14.4 pages per article. He set up a JMF website containing information about the journal, reviewing procedures, and links to other sites. In addition, a database was set up for the purpose of managing the journal and more precisely tracking manuscripts.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 Jeff Dwyer, a gerontologist from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, was selected to serve as Editor of Family Relations, starting with the January 1997 issue. He began collecting manuscripts in May 1996. He changed the title of the journal from Family Relations: Journal of Applied Family and Child Studies to Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies. 


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