
Journals and Publications in 1995–96

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 A task force on the Future of the Journals was co-chaired by Alan Booth and Timothy Brubaker. Recommendations given to the Board were as follows:

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 A moratorium was declared on any new publications. Margaret Crosbie-Burnett chaired the committee to look at the cost effectiveness of continuing the Vision 2010 Series and Families in Focus Series. A specific procedure was defined for all focus groups and sections to follow regarding writing, publishing and selling publications. Karen Wampler chaired a committee to develop “Ethical Guidelines for the Publications Committee.” Joe Pittman drafted recommendations for policies for future journal editor search committees. 

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 In 1996, an updated edition of Graduate Study in Marriage and Family: A Guide to Master’s and Doctoral Programs in the United States and Canada, edited by John Touliatos, was published by Human Sciences Publications.


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