
NCFR moves to Minneapolis in 1955

In 1955, President Judson Landis chaired a relocation committee to study the possible move of headquarters from the University of Chicago. It was decided to move the offices to Minneapolis, MN over the opposition of several of the leaders. 

From Drexell Avenue in Chicago, NCFR took up residence at 1219 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, on the second floor of the University Baptist Church. It remained there for the next 27 years, and has remained in Minneapolis since.The following announcement was made in the Sept. 15, 1955, NCFR newsletter:

“The invitation was accepted to locate at the University of Minnesota for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of renewing the arrangement at the end of that time. NCFR’s new office is located just off the university campus in offices owned by a Baptist church.”

Much confusion took place among the membership over the reasons for the move. It was suggested that the rent and utilities might be free. But, these facilities were neither part of the campus of the University of Minnesota, nor were they rent/utility free. But for the time, the costs were much cheaper than those in Chicago.

Soon after NCFR office moved to Minneapolis, a search was begun for a new executive secretary. The following year, Ruth Hathaway Jewson was hired for that position, in which she served for the next 28 years.

Read more about Ruth Jewson.

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