
Journals and Publications in 1950–51

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 David Mace was selected as International Editor in August 1951. He was responsible for foreign copy. Thus, he translated an article submitted from the International Union of Family Organizations by Robert Boudy. That year also raised the question of whether the journal Marriage and Family Living (MFL) should be the voice of NCFR and its affiliates or whether there should be a newsletter to carry organizational news.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The cost of maintaining two editorial offices was too expensive, and loss of internal control was cited. Receipt and allocation of payments to MFL belonged to the headquarters office. Additional conflicts between the journal editor and office also complicated matters. The Board voted that the headquarters office would handle business management and the finances of the journal, and editors were responsible for editorial aspects. Since 1939, MFL had been at the forefront of publishing research and educational material on marriage counseling. During these crisis years, NCFR initiated close journalistic relationships with the American Association of Marriage Counselors (AAMC), who invited NCFR to publish the proceedings of AAMC’s annual conference in MFL. AAMC submitted a grant to NCFR for publishing a special section on marriage counseling in MFL for a $2,500 subsidy; thus, the Spring 1950 MFL was a special issue on marriage counseling. Robert Laidlaw, AAMC President, became an associate editor of MFL. This was a great help to NCFR’s budget. Controversy between Laidlaw and Robert Foster over an article submitted by Walter Stokes and accepted by Laidlaw resulted in a severing of the AAMC–NCFR relationship.


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