
Other Activities in 1988–89

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 By 1989, the headquarters office on County Road B in St. Paul was too small for the growing staff and activities of NCFR. The lease was not renewed because of a child care service which needed the space. After much searching, and the Board’s decision not to move to Washington, DC, due to cost, NCFR moved to northeastern Minneapolis, at 40th and Central Avenues, and enlarged its space to 3,500 sq. ft. at the cost of $8.50/sq. ft. It was custom designed for NCFR and, after selling the old Army surplus furnishings to raise $6,000, 3-year old well-coordinated furniture was purchased from an office that was going out of business for a total of $9,800, amounting to a sizable decrease in the original capital improvements budget of $8,000 allocated by the board. The old furnishings had been long depreciated, and the new acquisitions became assets to NCFR.

2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 A new part-time CFLE director was hired (Dawn Cassidy). The Board approved the following two propositions: (1) a policy whereby CFLEs who have not maintained their NCFR membership  be apprised that they must renew in order to continue their certified status and (2) that the required family life education internship and a family life education  methodology course be changed to a recommendation for applicants effective January 1991.

3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 The Board rejected a proposal to eliminate the provisional category for CFLE.


Categories: CFLE, Other Activities