Journals and Publications in 1999–2000
¶ 1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 Allen Press took over the management and marketing of the journals and reported increases in subscribership. U.S. and foreign institutional subscriptions totaled 3,205, an overall increase of 8%. Individual subscribers increased by 35% for both journals.
¶ 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 The NCFR membership approved of a name change for The Journal of Marriage and the Family. Thus, the two “the’s” were dropped and the title became Journal of Marriage and Family. A new mission statement for this journal was also approved:
¶ 3 Leave a comment on paragraph 3 0 The Journal of Marriage and Family publishes original theory, research, and critical discussion. JMF encourages submissions on a wide variety of topics having to do with marriage, or other forms of close relationships, and families as they are so richly and broadly conceived. Appropriate content informs the understanding of family structures and processes and is based upon original theory and research using a variety of methods typical of the full range of the social sciences including both qualitative and quantitative methods. Integrative reviews as well as reports on methodological and statistical advances are also welcome.
¶ 4 Leave a comment on paragraph 4 0 An advisory committee consisting of Vern Bengtson, Alan Booth, Pauline Boss, Norma Burgess, Marti Erickson, Ralph La Rossa, Harriette McAdoo, and Arlene Skolnick planned a new publication entitled Public Policy Thru a Family Lens: Sustaining Families in the 21st Century. It was aimed at policymakers, foundation heads, media professionals, and college students. It was framed around the four central family functions: (1) children get a good start, (2) adults fulfill parenting roles, (3) youth have appropriate transitions to adulthood, and (4) families can care for their elders. It was released at a press conference in Washington, DC, in November.
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